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Mopinion integrates with Atlassian’s issue tracking tool JIRA

Mopinion has teamed up with widely used issue tracking tool JIRA. This new integration combines digital customer insights with issue tracking and (agile) project management, making it easier for web and development teams to manage and resolve website and software issues.

Although it was previously possible to connect to JIRA via Mopinion’s email alert system, custom integrations and third party tools such as Zapier, we now have a more ‘native’, feature-rich and fully interfaced approach to connect JIRA via Mopinion’s webhook module. This allows teams to automatically push user feedback directly to their JIRA backlog and ensures important feedback items such as bug reports and product suggestions are sent straight to JIRA in real-time and handled in an efficient and timely manner.

What is JIRA?

Jira is a well-known, proprietary issue tracking product developed by Atlassian that allows bug tracking and agile project management. Jira enables users to create project roadmaps to map out all projects in progress. The project board includes a drag-and-drop interface that allows teams to manage every project detail.

Setting up the new JIRA integration

Similar to many of our other integrations, the JIRA integration is done using Mopinion’s webhook system. Here is a simple set of instructions that will help you integrate your Mopinion feedback with JIRA:

Note: this integration is only supported on Mopinion Raspberry (not for Classic).

1. First you’ll go to your Mopinion account and select the JIRA webhook.

Mopinion: Mopinion integrates with Atlassian’s issue tracking tool JIRA - Select JIRA

2. Then set up the JIRA connection by requesting your ‘API Token’.

Mopinion: Mopinion integrates with Atlassian’s issue tracking tool JIRA - Get-Token

3. Then you will have to follow the steps on the screen, starting with giving Mopinion access to your Atlassian account.

Mopinion: Mopinion integrates with Atlassian’s issue tracking tool JIRA - Access Atlassian

4. Once you approve, you will be redirected to your Mopinion account again and a popup will appear showing your API Token. Copy this token.

Mopinion: Mopinion integrates with Atlassian’s issue tracking tool JIRA - Create JIRA connection

5. And paste it into the screen ‘Create Jira Connection’.

Mopinion: Mopinion integrates with Atlassian’s issue tracking tool JIRA - Connect with JIRA

6. Select the connection and click on Next. A screen will appear where you will be asked to fill in your project endpoints. Here you can select your project, the issue type and any labels you’d like to add to your issue.

Mopinion: Mopinion integrates with Atlassian’s issue tracking tool JIRA - Select project endpoints

7. The final step will be to select which data should be sent and when. Once you’ve selected an option, click on Create Webhook.

Mopinion: Mopinion integrates with Atlassian’s issue tracking tool JIRA - Which data JIRA

8. Here’s how your webhook will look once it has been sent to JIRA:

Mopinion: Mopinion integrates with Atlassian’s issue tracking tool JIRA - Webhook Feedback

Get connected!

Start pushing your feedback to JIRA today and never miss a thing!

Other Mopinion Integrations…

Mopinion is partnered with various other digital marketing applications. For a full list of integrations, visit our Integrations page.