Employee in the Spotlight: Manuel Crovetto

Employee in the Spotlight: Manuel Crovetto

Meet Manuel. Manuel joined us in the beginning of this year, and he’s our Android Developer. Besides all the technical developer’s talk, Manuel can also passionately talk about his hobbies and other interests. When Manuel is not working on the Android SDK, he’s out exploring everything Holland has to offer.

Let’s ask Manuel what the life of a developer at Mopinion is like.

Working @ Mopinion….

What does your position at Mopinion entail?

“I’m responsible for the creation from scratch of the Native Mopinion Android Software Development Kit, such a pleasure and honour!”

What initially drew you to Mopinion?

“New challenges in my career. As a Software Developer, it’s crucial to gather feedback from the users. When I discovered the technology used by Mopinion, it caught my attention.”

Manuel Crovetto at Mopinion working

What does a typical work day look like for you?

“A little walk around with nice music is always a good start! Then I proceed to check what’s new in my inbox, after that, I plan my day having a look with what is pending on the current Sprint. Once the day’s roadmap is ready, I proceed to develop new features or continue with the testing stage of the current features to be released in the SDK.”

What is your favorite part about working at Mopinion?

“Definitely the freedom and dynamism of Mopinion. My experience working at Mopinion is very pleasant. Mopinion lets you know what needs to be build, and I am free to decide which project architecture, components, or technologies I will implement. Mopinion is open to implement the latest technologies, which is a pleasure!”

What are the biggest challenges you face in your job?

“I think the development of the Native Mopinion Android SDK itself has been the biggest challenge. The idea of creating an application that is completely created on a web browser, defining attributes such as custom theming or modifying the navigation logic upon user’s answers, pushed Android Jetpack to its limits. And that’s why this project is one of the most interesting projects of my career.”

Say what?! This all sounds very technical, but luckily Manuel is an expert.

Manuel Crovetto at Mopinion

What is your proudest moment at Mopinion?

“Seeing how the SDK passes all the instrumented tests in multiple devices with a good green check. Even though my proudest moment will be once it is released and used by our clients, I can’t wait!”

And now for a few fun questions…

Manuel Crovetto girlfriend

What do you like to do in your free time?

“Sports and I’m also an Android Coach for trainees. Besides that, I love to spend time with my girlfriend and explore Holland.”

What is your guilty pleasure?

“I love pindakaas and hagelslag, I think it is a yummy combination of peanut butter and chocolate sprinkles.”

Yes! Manuel discovered the fine Dutch cuisine 😉

Any embarrassing moments you want to share?

“Well, I used to have sport motorbikes in the past and I used to race with them as a hobby. Never crashed. Even though, the first week that I arrived in Holland, I grabbed a normal bike and within 10 minutes I crashed against a lamppost in front of my girlfriend.”

Manuel Crovetto girlfriend motor bike

What are the best and worst purchases you’ve ever made?

“The best, definitely the first intro coding course I took, made me realise that Software Development is my passion!
The worst, pairs of shoes that I never wear”

What GIF describes you best?

Where do you see yourself in five years?

“In five years from now, I see myself working as a Lead Android Developer. Working as an Android Coach has made me realise that I like to be part of the Android journey of my trainees. I love to be able to help them build their careers to a higher level.”

What is something that not many people know about you?

“I have lived in 5 different countries and moved over 25 times. My birth country is Peru, but I spent most of my years in Spain.”

Stay tuned for the next Employee in the Spotlight!

Next up is one of the ladies at Mopinion. This enthusiastic colleague is constantly looking for ways to improve our platform. Stay tuned for our July spotlight…

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