Mopinion finalist Red Herring Top 100 Europe - header

Mopinion is finalist in the Red Herring Top 100 Europe

Just a few more weeks to go until the Red Herring Top 100 Europe is announced. The Red Herring Top 100, which is held across three different continents, highlights and hands out awards to the most promising private ventures, including startups. For the top 100, a selection has just recently been made and we’re please to announce that Mopinion is one of the finalists!

Red Herring is an American global media company that has been publishing and distributing its well-known technology business magazine for about 25 years. The organisation also hosts the Red Herring Top 100 technology awards each year; an event whereby Red Herring uses more than twenty different criteria to analyse and select software companies.

During the event which will be held from March 29th to the 31st, Mopinion will have the opportunity to present its qualities and products to a professional jury. The presentation will be held by Chief Revenue & Growth Udesh Jadnanansing and will be assessed on the spot. The presentation is factored in as part of a three-steps triage, which also includes documentation and diligence. Companies are then evaluated and ranked within the Top 100 Red Herring Europe.

Mopinion finalist Red Herring Top 100 Europe - logo

“We are delighted to be in the running for the Top 100 Red Herring Europe”, says Udesh Jadanansing. “And we hope to take home an award come the end of March!”

The nomination confirms that Mopinion is taking major steps internationally with the new user interface, Mopinion Raspberry. Nowadays, collecting customer feedback is becoming increasingly important within digital marketing and that will only continue to grow.

Udesh Jadnanansing Mopinion

“It also serves as an extra incentive to continue to innovate and further develop ourselves as an organisation, continues Udesh.”

The Top 100 Europe will be announced during the special awards ceremony on 31 March at the Marriott Hotel in Amsterdam. Wish us luck!