Mopinion: Top 10 Hottest Mopinion Blog Posts of 2018 - Confetti

Top 10 Most Popular Mopinion Blog Posts of 2018

And…that’s a wrap for 2018! We are thrilled to report that we’ve published nearly 100 blog posts this year. Aside from being a great resource for everything online feedback, the Mopinion blog covers a wide range of digital topics and trends. From Customer Experience and User Experience to the Online Customer Journey and the rise of Mobile, we’ve written articles catered to every digital role.

Here’s our top 10 Hottest Blog Posts of 2018:

#1: The Best Website Intercept Survey Templates

Mopinion: Top 10 Hottest Mopinion Blog Posts of 2018 - Survey Template

Website Intercept Surveys are an ideal solution for many businesses. Not only do they have high response rates, but they are also effective in giving your business the necessary insights to improve website usability and customer satisfaction as well as achieve long-term goals such as customer retention. However, creating and employing website intercept surveys isn’t always a straightforward process. Some teams require a little extra guidance in constructing these surveys.

This article outlines six different website intercept survey templates, all of which help users gauge which issues their customers are running into, why they aren’t converting and much more.

Read The Best Website Intercept Survey Templates here.

#2: Top 25 Tools for UX Designers: An Overview

Mopinion: Top 10 Hottest Mopinion Blog Posts of 2018 - UX Designers

From product research, creating personas and information architecture to wrapping things up with wireframes, prototyping and product testing, UX Designers have a broad spectrum of tasks. And with so many tasks at hand, things can get a little sticky if you don’t have the right tools in place to lighten the burden. After all, no artisan really feels complete without their tools, and frankly UX Designers are no exception.

In this article, we’ve rounded up a list of the most useful tools for UX Designers and to make it a bit more user-friendly, we’ve broken these tools into five different categories: UX Analytics Tools, Session Recording & Heatmapping Tools, A/B Testing Tools, Visual Feedback Tools, and Prototyping & Wireframing Tools.

Read Top 25 Tools for UX Designers: An Overview here.

#3: How to Collect Email Campaign Feedback

Mopinion: Top 10 Hottest Mopinion Blog Posts of 2018 - Email Feedback

It seems that with many campaign emails, communications are only outbound, leaving marketers with no real insight into how their email was received by their readers. This lack of insight into the performance an email campaign is precisely why it’s important to start collecting email campaign feedback.

In this article we investigate why email campaign feedback is important for email marketers and provide you with some tips / advice on how to collect email campaign feedback.

Read How to Collect Email Campaign Feedback here.

#4: Questions to ask During a Feedback Software Demo

Mopinion: Top 10 Hottest Mopinion Blog Posts of 2018 - Giving a demo

Generally speaking, a good software demonstration should provide you with the following: a deeper understanding of the software’s user experience (e.g. navigation and design), a clear explanation of all the benefits the software provides and most importantly, give you the opportunity to ask any questions you might have about the software.

In this article, we put a little more attention on this last part (asking questions in a feedback software demo), because it can be surprisingly difficult to come up with the right questions in the moment.

Read Questions to Ask in an Online Feedback Software Demo here.

#5: Optimise your A/B Testing with Online Customer Feedback

Mopinion: Top 10 Hottest Mopinion Blog Posts of 2018 - AB testing

Used to test multiple variations of a web page or app screen, A/B Testing is one of the most popular methods for improving conversion rates. According to eConsultancy, approximately 61 percent of companies carry out less than five tests every month. However, what many of these companies miss in their testing strategies is a concrete way of constructing hypotheses for future A/B testing. Thankfully, there is online customer feedback…

In this article, we address why online customer feedback is so important for A/B Testing as well as dive into the different kinds of feedback you can collect to help optimise your website.

Read Optimise your A/B Testing with Online Customer Feedback here.

#6: How to Lower Customer Churn Rates with Digital Feedback

Mopinion: Top 10 Hottest Mopinion Blog Posts of 2018 - Customer Churn

According to the book Marketing Metrics, ‘the probability of selling to a new prospect falls anywhere between 5 and 20% whereas the probability of selling to an existing customer is somewhere between 60 and 70%’! So what can your company do to get back on track and start reducing customer churn?

In this post, we guide you through some helpful digital feedback strategies that will help you lower your customer churn rates.

Read How to Lower Customer Churn Rates with Digital Feedback here.

#7: Making Customer Feedback More Actionable with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Mopinion: Top 10 Hottest Mopinion Blog Posts of 2018 - Artificial Intelligenc Technology

Artificial Intelligence has become a major corporate buzzword and hype, especially among digital marketers. Meanwhile half of us still don’t really know what it means or better yet, what it can do for our business.

This article dives into what AI can do for you and how it can make your customer feedback more actionable.

Read Making Customer Feedback More Actionable with Artificial Intelligence (AI) here.

#8: Building Mobile App Feedback Surveys with SDKs

Mopinion: Top 10 Hottest Mopinion Blog Posts of 2018 - Mobile SDK

In a previous article, Mopinion introduced three different ways in which you can collect mobile feedback (in-app): Webviews, APIs and SDKs. This article takes a closer look at one method in particular, which happens to be very much on the rise especially in the area of Analytics: mobile SDKs.

This article also includes several examples of mobile feedback software providers that currently offer mobile SDKs for collecting feedback in native mobile apps.

Read Building Mobile App Feedback Surveys with SDKs here.

#9: GDPR is coming: The impact on Digital Feedback Collection

Mopinion: Top 10 Hottest Mopinion Blog Posts of 2018 - GDPR

Remember when GDPR was all over your news feed? This article guides you through the basics of GDPR (e.g. what it is and who will be affected), the most critical changes to be aware of in terms of digital feedback collection, why it’s important to comply with these regulations, the consequences if you choose not to and which changes Mopinion made to get ready for the new legislation.

Read GDPR is coming: The Impact on Digital Feedback Collection here.

#10: 13 Free User Feedback Tools for Digital Marketers on a Budget

Mopinion: Top 10 Hottest Mopinion Blog Posts of 2018 - GDPR

Having access to the customer insights puts you as a marketer at a competitive advantage. In fact, user feedback will also enable you to prioritise and address issues that surface, putting you one step closer to reaching a profitable conclusion and closing the loop. That is why it’s important to have the right user feedback solution in place, depending on your needs and of course, budget. In this article we will zoom in on several free user feedback tools that are great for digital marketers who are on a budget.

Whether you’re a startup looking to keep costs down, a digital marketer who’s having doubts about which tool to use, or just a plain old penny pincher. This article lists plenty of free user feedback tools for you to choose from.

Read 13 Free User Feedback Tools for Digital Marketers on a Budget here.

Happy reading in 2019!

Mopinion: Top 10 Hottest Mopinion Blog Posts of 2018 - Cheers

We’ve got plenty more blog posts on the menu for 2019 that we hope will further guide you in enhancing your online feedback programme and we can’t wait to get started!

Cheers and here’s to the New Year!!