Comments on: How to build the best online feedback forms Customer Feedback Intelligence For Digital Enterprises Wed, 06 Sep 2023 08:32:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: 4 Things “The Donald” can teach us about Digital Customer Feedback - Mopinion Thu, 01 Dec 2016 15:07:44 +0000 […] Throughout the election, I think we can all agree that Donald Trump has demonstrated his indisputable ability to sway, aggravate and amuse his audience – all at the same time. And what’s interesting is that he doesn’t limit his voice to rallies, debates or other public events. He also engages his audience through social platforms such as Twitter. He was certainly an avid “tweeter” during the elections, sharing bold statements that definitely got people talking. Lessons to be learned: Adapt to the online journey. For a customer feedback programme to be well-rounded, it is vital to consider all relevant touchpoints in the online journey. While many companies focus on traditional channels, such as contact centres and post-contact surveys, it is also very important to realise that online channels are a key line of communication with your customers. In a previous blog, we have outlined how to make the most of online touchpoints in your customer experience strategy. With online feedback, there are several touchpoints along the customer journey that serve as good moments to initiate feedback requests. We have found that two of the most effective are Task Completion Feedback forms and Exit Feedback forms. You can read more about how to use these here. […]
