Mopinion: Employee in the Spotlight Mi-choe - Cover

Employee in the Spotlight: Mi-choe Emanuelson

It’s that time of month again! Another opportunity to get to know yet another member of the Mopinion team. In last month’s Employee in the Spotlight, we interviewed our web designer, Yannick Post. And this month we’re keeping it within the Marketing team. We’d like to introduce you to our Content Marketer for the Dutch market, Mi-choe Emanuelson.

Meet Mi-choe. In search of an opportunity to hone her skills in Content Marketing as well as work together with a team, Mi-choe recently made the step from freelancer to Content Marketer here at Mopinion. In the office she is our (Dutch) content creator, events planner and social media extraordinaire, but in her free time she’s either out enjoying the outdoors with her family, training for the upcoming Rotterdam Marathon or throwing in a few punches at the boxing gym.

Mopinion: Employee in the Spotlight Mi-choe - Meet Mi-choe

I recently sat down with Mi-choe to talk about how she’s experience working at Mopinion thus far. Here’s what she had to say…

What initially drew you to Mopinion?

Mi-choe shares that the position itself really spoke to her because of her previous experience in the IT sector as well as in the field of Content Marketing.

“I was also really intrigued by working at a smaller-sized company, mainly because of the benefits it offers such as a laid-back atmosphere, close cooperation with your colleagues and knowing that the company’s successes are the fruits of your labor.”

What does a typical work day look like for you?

She laughs, “Well I have to put everything in my agenda so first thing in the morning I typically take a look in there and see what I have to do that day. My work varies a lot: from writing articles to gearing up for upcoming events so sometimes it’s tricky to maintain a strict routine.”

Mopinion: Employee in the Spotlight Mi-choe - Working at Mopinion

What is your favorite part about working at Mopinion?

“I love the atmosphere, the people are nice and I really appreciate the freedom we get to make up our own job descriptions. I am a firm believer in the mindset that if you give your employees the space and trust they need, that the company will be rewarded in return with a motivated and hardworking employee.

What are the biggest challenges you face in your job?

“Probably the most challenging task in my job is to continuously create unique content. After all there is so much content out there already. We really have to stay ahead of the game to remain competitive.”

What is your proudest moment at Mopinion?

“I have only worked at Mopinion for six months so it’s hard to say but I think that my proudest moment will be the Mopinion Raspberry launch party for our new user interface. I look forward to celebrating this achievement with our customers and seeing the trust they have in us will be really rewarding. I also feel proud to really show them what we’ve done with their feedback and how they have helped us along the way.

And now for some fun questions…

What do you like to do in your free time?

I am really into sports (i.e. boxing and running), being outdoors and I LOVE going out to eat!

Mopinion: Employee in the Spotlight Mi-choe - Sports

Who inspires you?

“That’s a hard one for me. I don’t think I have one person that really inspires me. I just live my life in the moment.”

What is one thing you can’t live without?

“I’d say my family. I’m not really attached to material things.”

What is your favorite quote?

‘Tis wa’

That’s the Brabant way of saying “It is what it is”.

“Things will happen and you can’t always change it. Sometimes you just have to accept things as they are.”

Mopinion: Employee in the Spotlight Mi-choe - Working

What is your biggest fear?

That I wouldn’t be able to see my kids grow up…

Where do you see yourself in five years?

“I actually hope that not much will change. I’m happy with my life at the moment and I’d consider myself lucky if it’s still the same in five years.”

What is something that not many people know about you?

“I impulsively got a tattoo when I was 18 that I wish I had never gotten,” she laughs.

Stay tuned for more!

We hope you enjoyed this edition of Employee Spotlight series! Stay tuned for our May spotlight…