finance & insurance Archives - Mopinion Customer Feedback Intelligence For Digital Enterprises Wed, 29 Nov 2023 09:45:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Best feedback use cases for insurance and financial services organisations Tue, 11 Jul 2023 12:40:35 +0000 Customer expectations are growing, and digital journeys are becoming an increasingly important part of how insurance and financial services organisations engage with their customers, understand their expectations, and ultimately deliver on them. According to Bloomreach, “the sheer volume of questions and claims, legacy systems, ancient technology, and a distorted view of the customer journey are […]

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How feedback helps insurance companies overcome digitalisation challenges Tue, 28 Mar 2023 07:11:00 +0000 With the migration to digital, many insurance companies are actually experiencing increased friction rather than a smoother online experience. So what can we attribute this to? In most cases, we can blame it on the fact that their digital channels still aren’t sufficiently optimised enough for policyholders to successfully achieve their online goals; a matter […]

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Benchmark: 80% of financial services industry gathers digital feedback, but data is still siloed Thu, 02 Mar 2023 07:05:14 +0000 The financial services industry has its digital CX priorities in order (for the most part), according to Mopinion’s recently published Digital Customer Experience Benchmark report. In fact, lined up closely with the ecommerce and travel industries in terms of its survey results, the only industry that performs higher is software and technology. What’s particularly interesting […]

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Inside the Voice of Customer program of Reale Seguros Mon, 11 Jul 2022 07:21:07 +0000 Reale Group is an international group operating in Italy and Spain. With nearly 4 million policyholders, this solid market player offers its proposition in the insurance, banking, real estate and services sectors. And with its somewhat recent debut in the Chilean market in 2016, Reale Group has expanded its operations to Chile with its subsidiary […]

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Lowell Nordics supercharges client engagement with Mopinion Tue, 12 Oct 2021 07:50:31 +0000 Founded in 2004, Lowell operates in 3 different regions of Europe: The UK, Nordics, and DACH. Their goal? To work tirelessly to benefit society, business, and the economy. Changing the way credit management works, Lowell’s mission drives everything they do, which is something you don’t hear every day in the credit management sector. The real […]

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Allianz unlocks key to conversion optimisation with feedback Mon, 23 Mar 2020 10:58:15 +0000 Allianz forms part of Allianz Group which is one of the largest, multinational financial services companies in the world. The organisation has operations in over 70 countries and more than 85 million customers. Originally, Allianz sold its products and services through intermediaries. As a result, Allianz’s website didn’t play a major role. However, nowadays, with […]

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A Guide to In-App Feedback for Financial Institutions Thu, 23 Jan 2020 07:44:29 +0000 More and more financial institutions are investing in their own mobile apps. With 30% more apps compared to other industries, one might even go as far as to say they’ve become a digital priority among these institutions. So what’s the reason for their popularity? Not only do mobile apps provide convenience for customers (e.g. self-service […]

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New White Paper: Digital Feedback and the Finance Industry Thu, 03 Oct 2019 13:35:38 +0000 Financial institutions have always been at the forefront of innovation and new technologies. In fact, quite recently, increasing automation and the use of electronic trading and payments were some of the largest focuses in this industry. All customer data and accounts were centrally managed by a third party system, which was the standard at the […]

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Tips to Optimise the Online Journey for Financial Institutions Fri, 13 Sep 2019 07:48:22 +0000 Historically, financial institutions such as banks, insurance providers and investment firms leveraged mainly offline touchpoints and customer interactions, such as meeting with an advisor at a physical office or making an appoint to open up a new bank account. However, due to the widespread digital disruption within the Finance industry, this focus has since shifted. […]

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Best Practices for Financial Companies entering the Digital Age Wed, 21 Aug 2019 06:00:11 +0000 The finance industry has been undergoing quite a few changes over the last few years. Financial institutions that were once very traditional are now looking to adopt best practices used by more agile and flexible FinTech organisations. These practices that will not only enable these organisations to adapt to a fast-changing and increasingly tech-driven industry […]

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