trending Archives - Mopinion Customer Feedback Intelligence For Digital Enterprises Wed, 06 Dec 2023 08:55:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How SUPER RTL keeps a pulse on user satisfaction Tue, 05 Dec 2023 12:32:48 +0000 TOGGO – a brand by Germany’s leading kids’ entertainment provider SUPER RTL – offers television programming as well as a gamified and engaging platform for both web and mobile. In 2021 and 2022 the TOGGO website and app (respectively) were officially relaunched, allowing TOGGO to break new ground with its wide-ranging cross-content offering. The website […]

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Bokadirekt creates the optimal customer journey with consumer feedback Thu, 05 Oct 2023 07:15:13 +0000 Bokadirekt is Sweden’s largest marketplace and app for booking services within the beauty and health industry. With over 15,000 connected specialists and 6,000,000 monthly visits across all its platforms, Bokadirekt is at the centre of putting clients in contact with business owners. Therefore, it is no surprise that customer satisfaction is a top priority for […]

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7 Alternatives to GetFeedback CX and Digital Tue, 26 Sep 2023 09:49:05 +0000 If you are here, you are probably looking for competitors or alternatives to GetFeedback. GetFeedback is a customer experience and survey platform that helps collect and analyse feedback from its customers. Sounds familiar right?! GetFeedback offers multiple products and services, like a big CX platform and GetFeedback Digital, which is essentially a reworked version of […]

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Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions & Tips Tue, 26 Sep 2023 07:30:43 +0000 From fostering repeat business and generating positive word-of-mouth referrals to bolstering a company’s reputation in an increasingly competitive market, customer satisfaction (CSAT) is the driving force that propels businesses towards sustained growth and prosperity. After all, when customers feel genuinely satisfied, not only does this signal a job well down, but it also translates into […]

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How to write good survey questions: 80 examples and tips Mon, 25 Sep 2023 07:58:07 +0000 Do you want to gather feedback from users, customers, visitors, or anyone else interacting with your content? Smart choice! Businesses that leverage consumer insights, outperform their competition with 85%, according to Microsoft. A popular way to start collecting feedback is by creating a survey. But which questions should you use? And how, exactly, do you […]

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Top 10 Competitors and Alternatives to Usabilla Mon, 18 Sep 2023 10:00:45 +0000 You’ve heard it before but I’ll say it again… Listening to the Voice of the Customer (VoC) is crucial for businesses looking to compete based on customer experience. Research shows that 25-40% of the total revenue of the most stable businesses comes from returning customers. And getting customer feedback is the only real way of […]

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Top 29 Best Customer Feedback Tools in 2023 Wed, 13 Sep 2023 07:30:24 +0000 If you haven’t noticed, it’s all about the customer these days. According to Zendesk, 80% of consumers say they will leave a company if they have more than one disappointing customer experience. This proves that the moment you put the customer at the core of your business and focus on improving their experiences, you’re already […]

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4 ways feedback improves the customer journey for government and nonprofit organisations Wed, 23 Aug 2023 08:22:36 +0000 Governmental and nonprofit organisations deal with considerable amounts of data. Taxes, unemployment, immigration, impact stories, event registrations, financial data, etc. The list is long. Naturally, this creates a lot of content… as in loads! While posting this sort of information on a website or in a newsletter is an efficient way of reaching a large […]

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Discover how Lely gathers feedback worldwide with Multi-Language Reporting Thu, 25 May 2023 08:35:58 +0000 Lely is a Dutch agricultural machine and robot manufacturer. With their innovative solutions, they make life easier for farmers worldwide. Lely strives to enable dairy farmers to work as efficiently as possible with their robots, which is why collecting feedback is an important part of their improvement process. Because Lely is active in more than […]

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Top 15 Business Intelligence Tools in 2022: An Overview Wed, 06 Apr 2022 07:00:14 +0000 Are you considering implementing a business intelligence tool? Then you’ll happy to hear you have tons of different options on the market. Business intelligence tools (BI tools) are all about helping you understand trends and deriving insights from your data so that you can make tactical and strategic business decisions. They also help you idenitfy […]

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