top lists Archives - Mopinion Customer Feedback Intelligence For Digital Enterprises Wed, 29 Nov 2023 09:12:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 6 best survey examples from real brands Wed, 25 Oct 2023 11:33:48 +0000 According to Gartner, 95% of businesses collect customer feedback in some form. This is only natural! It is, after all, a tried and true method of improving several aspects of a business. User experience, customer satisfaction, the sales funnel. The list can easily go on. One of the most common ways (and best, in our […]

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Best Online Survey Software and Questionnaire Tools in 2023 Fri, 13 Oct 2023 07:00:35 +0000 Since the emergence of customer feedback, online survey software and questionnaire tools have evolved into something entirely different. Having started as a solution more in the realm of traditional survey tools with long lists of questions and anonymous respondents, online survey software have managed to stay ‘in fashion’ among online marketers. This ongoing popularity is, […]

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Top 29 Best Customer Feedback Tools in 2023 Wed, 13 Sep 2023 07:30:24 +0000 If you haven’t noticed, it’s all about the customer these days. According to Zendesk, 80% of consumers say they will leave a company if they have more than one disappointing customer experience. This proves that the moment you put the customer at the core of your business and focus on improving their experiences, you’re already […]

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5 great resources to get your webshop ready for the holiday season Tue, 01 Nov 2022 07:19:18 +0000 As the holiday season nears, ensuring your webshop is ready for the busy season is top of mind. And with traffic and sales sure to skyrocket in the next few months (starting with Black Friday), you’ll want to be sure your webshop is in tip top shape. But what are the first steps in doing […]

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Most Popular Product Feedback Tools: An Overview Tue, 14 Jun 2022 06:18:55 +0000 Getting quality product feedback is essential when building or having just built a new product. It is also an ideal for achieving product-led growth; a trend which is taking hold of the technology market. This type of customer feedback can provide you with critical data that will ultimately drive your product strategy. With this type […]

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Top 20 Customer Journey Mapping Tools in 2022: An Overview Tue, 12 Apr 2022 11:30:23 +0000 Customer expectations are higher than ever. Customers demand excellent service and anyone who fails in delivering a smooth online customer experience will lose customers right on the spot. This means that you have to step up and stand out to beat your competitors. It’s time to gain ground by optimizing the customer journey. Each customer […]

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Top 15 Mobile App Analytics Tools 2022 Fri, 08 Apr 2022 09:10:06 +0000 Building a mobile app is only half the battle… Once that’s been accomplished it’s time to move on to optimising your app and monitoring the behaviour of your app users consistently. And with over 3.8 billion smartphone users and over 3 million apps worldwide, competition is getting fierce. In order to be successful, mobile app […]

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Top 15 Business Intelligence Tools in 2022: An Overview Wed, 06 Apr 2022 07:00:14 +0000 Are you considering implementing a business intelligence tool? Then you’ll happy to hear you have tons of different options on the market. Business intelligence tools (BI tools) are all about helping you understand trends and deriving insights from your data so that you can make tactical and strategic business decisions. They also help you idenitfy […]

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Top 20 Best Project Management Software in 2022: An Overview Fri, 01 Apr 2022 07:00:07 +0000 Why is Project Management (PM) often still time consuming and inefficient? Are you still repeatedly updating spreadsheets, drowning in post-its and participate in weekly update meetings? That’s really a waste of time and effort. You can have a complete overview of your project in a glance, with a little help from the right software tool. […]

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Top Tools for your Martech Stack in 2022 Sun, 27 Feb 2022 06:38:27 +0000 Having the right tools in your toolbelt is a fundamental part of being a successful digital marketer. In fact, it’s almost impossible for digital marketers nowadays to perform their daily tasks without the assistance of these tools; tools that help automate processes and save precious time and money, ensuring a good return on marketing investment. […]

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